Getting Started with selling your wine - take stock
The best place to get started is to take a good stock of what you have. You can use the excel file below to help organize your list. There are also online resources that can help as well (like CellarTracker). Accurate information will make the process much easier for your self and the stores and will increase the likelihood and quality of the offer they may make. The information below will be helpful to note and add to your wine cellar stock list:
Stocklist template & example
Wine name - seems trivial but there are many nuances to wine names (click here to see common issues). It may also be a good idea to put the name of winery in one column and the name of the wine in the other
Quantities - We recommend typing quantities in per bottle numbers and not per cases as many do. Just so we're on the same page a case of wine is 12 bottles
Bottle format - most bottles are 750 ML aka "Regular Bottle". 375 ML are have half bottles and 1,500ML are called magnums. With larger sizes just use the ML notice on the bottle instead of guessing the wierd names that were made up for those
Color, Region and Varietal - We recommend listing this information as well. It'll just make it easier for the buyer to sort the list and that will increase the chances of a quick (and positive) response
Vintage year - straight forward and very important. For Champagnes that don't have a year on them (which is the vast majority of Champagne and sparkling wines) just note NV which means Non Vintage
Purchase source if easily available. Stores will have greater faith in the provenance of your wine collection if you know where you bought it from and if it's from a reputable store
Bottle conditions - you should note any issues good (like original wooden case) or bad (stained label) the bottles may have. Having these notes when applicable will also help increase the trust between you and the wine cellar buyer (see link to common note worthy bottle issues)
For your own list: it can be a good idea to write such things as purchases prices and opinon on the wines and not necessarily discolse it to the buyer. That can help you decide how much each bottle is worth to you
Next step: find out which wines are sell-able online